Blogger Award and TV-free Tuesday

It’s Hump Day! We are continuing to inch along.

I want to start off today’s post with some inspirational bloglife. We all have our favorite blogs we read on a daily basis, but let me tell you that I had one of the best feelings yesterday when Katherine passed along the “Beautiful Blogger” award to me. The award was initially passed to her from Gena. I’ve tried to trace the award back to its roots and so far this is what I’ve got: Katherine > Gena > Michelle & Lori > Robyn > Betty > Jolene > Taylor > CaSaundra > Kelly > Shannon > Brandi > Olga > Mica > Caitlin  > Missy > Fei >Louise > Jo > Sarah > Eliza … and this is where I gave up. My gosh – that was like tracing a family tree! Anyone know where this award originated? I think this is such a wonderful and inspirational idea. I love that this award has been making the rounds and want to give credit where it’s due.

This award asks me to share seven random things about myself with you all, so here it goes:

1. I’m an only child and for that reason, I’ve always secretly wanted about 5 children. I once shared this idea with my husband and he nearly fell over. We may compromise on two.

2. I have a not-so-secret obsession with John Irving – he’s been my favorite author for years. This fall, when I found out he was coming to NYC for a Times Talk event, and there would be a few tickets available at the door, my friend says I acted like a crazed fan trying to get into a rock concert and she was scared I was going to bum-rush the door. We got in – it was amazing.

3. I don’t like bagels. Yes, this makes me a bad New Yorker. I can eat a bagel if it’s all there is, but I would never willingly choose a bagel for breakfast.

4. I have some bad food obsessions: namely cupcakes and nachos. I once went on a cupcake excursion throughout NYC and for the first few years I lived in NYC I also hunted for the perfect nachos. (Favorite cupcake place: Sugar Sweet Sunshine on Rivington; Nachos – TBD)

5. I’m a Great Aunt at 27 (through marriage of course, since I’m an only chid – see #1). I think this is hysterical. Great Aunts sound scary and old to me.

6. I’m allergic to my cat. I take allergy medicine every day to cope since I refused to give him up. He’s my little musher.

7. I love white chocolate – this is one of the strange things my husband and I share.

Now time to pass the award along to seven other beautiful bloggers. I shall pass it to:

1. Tina
2. Becky
3. Rachael
4. Dori
5. Britt
6. Chelsea (I know you already got it!)
7. Megan

This award has been around for awhile (I traced it back to October), so who knows, more than just Chelsea may have already received it!

Now for yesterday’s eats:

Breakfast was oatmeal with smashed-up banana and pumpkin butter.

I was thrilled that there was some yummy pasta salad leftover from the previous day’s potluck lunch. My co-worker Tiffany made this (she’s shown up a few times on here before). The addition of artichoke to the salad was wonderful. Great idea.

Perhaps I should have just had this the day before?! 🙂 I also had some blueberry Greek yogurt with granola.

Afternoon snacks included a piece of fancy gourmet chocolate from my chocolate box I received at yesterday’s holiday lunch/secret santa, and two clementines. My clementine kick is back!

I ate the piece in the upper right with the chopped nuts on it. YUM!

Dinner was a quinoa dish. No real recipe on this, just 3/4 cup cooked quinoa with sautéed green peppers, onion, carrots and broccoli with soy sauce. It was very filling.

For dessert, I decided to finish up the cranberries in the fridge and make cranberry relish in the microwave again. I ate only a bit of it and saved the rest for later. I used 4 packets of Truvia and half a teaspoon of agave to sweeten it up.

The Hubby had his work holiday dinner, so I was in the apartment alone with Murphy. After dinner I vacuumed and tidied up a bit and then considered turning on the tube…but decided against it. I had a lovely t.v.-free Tuesday night and it was rather refreshing.

After cleaning, I grabbed my book and read from about 9 p.m. to 10 p.m. and then fell asleep. It was nice to turn off all the noise for one night. Plus, there really isn’t anything I’m much into right now on t.v.

How bout you – do you watch t.v. every night, do you take a break every now and then, or do you not watch at all?

14 responses to “Blogger Award and TV-free Tuesday

  1. Thank you for the award!! I will do that this week, Melissa gave me one too!

    I really want to sign up for the MORE Half but I will probably be recovering from surgery at that time. I have to figure things out once I find out if I got into NYC Half…

  2. I love that you traced the history of the award! How fun.

  3. I’m impressed you tried to trace that award to its origin! I definitely have no idea, except that it has come back to me twice! I love reading the fun facts about people, though. You’re a great aunt already–wow. I’m almost 27 myself and am an aunt 7x but I don’t think any of them will be having children any time soon. 😉

    • Yup and it took me all the way to the UK – so amazing.
      It’s funny – I went from being no one’s aunt to having 10 nieces/nephews and being a great Aunt to two kids! I love it.

  4. Those chocolates look amazing! I’ve been wanting to try quinoa for a while but haven’t gotten around to it- thanks for the reminder.

    I would definitely be interested in meeting up for a race or a fun run 🙂

    I am addicted to the Elarios’ blog too- they are amazing! Our engagement photos are actually on the site- if you wanted to check them out just input Katie and Brian engagement in the search box.

    As for tv- I really have not been watching it much at all lately- I would rather read or find something else to do. I think it’s partially bc of the lack of great shows that are on. I do try to watch Intervention and Hoarders on A & E on Mondays- so sad, yet I can’t stop watching!

  5. I love that you traced the award!!

    My husband and I tend to get into the habit of turning on the TV when we get home so we can watch Wheel of Fortune and Jeopardy (b/c we’re about 85 years old) but then it just ends up staying on!

  6. Aw thanks! You are quite the archaeologist tracing back the origins of the award.

    Once in awhile we do tv-less nights, although usually its due to too many after work meetings.

    The great aunt thing is kind of funny….. I’m not an aunt, actually I don’t have any 1st cousins either….. neither does my hubby!

  7. Hey lady,

    Thanks for the blog award! I think it’s my very first one 🙂

    p.s. I also secretly (or not so secretly) love white chocolate. Your fancy box of candy looks divine!

  8. That quinoa dish looks sooo good!!

    I will go days, even a week without watching any T.V. then I will have a day sometimes where I watch T.V. for hours- I’m a little bit of an extremist lol 🙂

  9. Thank you so much to for passing the award my way! That’s so flattering and sweet!

    You know what else looks sweet? That amazing box of truffles.

    I like what you did with the red quinoa. I always find myself stumped as to how to dress the grain up a bit. I’m going to take a cue from you and mix in sauteed veggies next time.

    I don’t have cable, so my TV viewing is severely limited. Though, I do see a lot of trash at the gym (there are plasma screens everywhere, it’s unavoidable). When it’s my own discretion, though, I’m an old lady and stick to PBS and 60 Minutes. Oh, and DVD box sets of Showtime and HBO series. LOVE the DVD box sets.

  10. Yay for being an only child! People always assume only children are selfish and snobby, but that’s so not true;)

    Happy holidays!

  11. Thank you for the Beautiful Blogger award… I wish I had didnt have to write 7 things about myself. I may take some time but I’ll do it :).
    Yum chocolate. xo.

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