Not Such a Warrior…

I felt so tough and strong yesterday after running 9+ miles in some pretty frigid weather. But I think my hubris got the best of me because this morning I woke up feeling completely congested and tired. I was out of bed at 8 a.m. and started to get ready to meet a bunch of NYC bloggers for a fun run in Central Park. After about 5 minutes of movement, I decided the wisest decision would be to go back to bed and catch up on some much-needed to rest to ward off the looming cold. I sadly sent the girls my apology email and crawled back into bed.

I am feeling much better at this point, so hopefully I made a good decision. But I’m still sad that I missed the run. Hope it went well!

Now, to finish up yesterday’s eats and day/night. After my early-morning run with Katherine I had another mini-breakfast.

I was pretty busy doing laundry and some cleaning – meanwhile Murphy spent much of Saturday doing this:

I had a light lunch of veggies with some organic roasted garlic hummus that was delicious.

My afternoon was spent writing out a few of these:

And then dinner was couscous with apple, walnut, grape tomatoes and diced cheddar cheese. It was filling, simple and tasty.

And for dessert I finally made some homemade cranberry sauce (in the microwave) using Julie’s recipe from last week. It was tart and sweet and perfecto!

After dinner I hesitantly selected “Food, Inc.” from our online Netflix queue. The Hubby insisted I watch it when he is not around, so this seemed like the perfect time. I say “hesitantly” because I was expecting to be overwhelmed with slaughterhouse and chicken-farm imagery and those are things I absolutely hate seeing – although I know it goes on. I was really very surprised by the variety of food areas into which Food, Inc. delved. It was by no means all about meat – the documentary touched on a variety of food topics. I really enjoyed it and was swayed even further by the idea of buying cage-free meat and dairy items, and of course, organic products.

I’m still holding out hope that Hubby will decide to watch it at some point. He is a pretty healthy guy and I think it would definitely benefit him to know exactly where all his food is coming from.

Have you seen Food, Inc. – did it change how you eat or even just view your food?

Anyway – that’s all for today. Time to finish up some baking and cleaning, and then rest and recover. Have a good Sunday night.

9 responses to “Not Such a Warrior…

  1. So sorry you couldn’t make it today, but you made the right choice. It wasn’t that cold but it ended up raining and it would have been miserable for you. We had a lot of fun though, so I hope to run with you soon! Janna posted her recap: but no one else has yet. I probably won’t until next weekend, too busy this week.

    And guess what? I’m getting sick now too. Been coughing all afternoon, took a nap, feel overall icky.

    I saw Food, Inc in the theatres this summer and it changed my life. I switched to only humanely raised meat and eventually to no meat at all. I do think eating meat is fine if it is from a small, local farm with humane practices, but it is hard to be sure.

    • I’m sooo sorry I missed the fun run. But I’m happy that I’m feeling a bit better and maybe it won’t become a full-blown cold. Hopefully you feel better soon!! I checked out the recap on Janna’s blog and it looked like a lot of fun 😦 We have to plan another one!!

  2. peanutbutterfingers

    i’m so glad you liked the cranberry sauce! :o) yay!

    i actually have food, inc. in m netfli queue & will we watching it soon!

  3. I still have yet to see Food Inc…. eventually though! I’m so bad about watching movies in general, a couple hours just seems like such a commitment to me. LOL

  4. Glad you’re feeling better lady! Sound like your body needed the extra rest.

    As for Food Inc., I have the same exact hesitance you were describing before you watched it. I get very upset by documentaries sometimes, they can stick with me for some time afterward. When I saw “Sicko” I was horrified. I had to get some fresh air and take a walk to clear my head afterward. I’ll definitely add Food Inc. to my cue though, sounds like it was very informative and did without the shock-value/gross-out footage.

    Stay healthy!

  5. I did see Food Inc and it absolutely changed the way I look at food and consumerism. Can’t tell you the last time I had red meat/ground beef, actually!

    Hope you’re feeling better now!

  6. Pingback: Movie Mania Continues « Eat, Read, Run

  7. Pingback: Blogger Award and TV-free Tuesday « Eat, Read, Run

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